Sunday, November 14, 2010

Making it

All kids are FINALLY on the mend, along with myself. For those of you who don't know, the last week or so was a little crazy. I ended up with mastitis of the breast and cellulitis of the pelvis. I was taken to the ER with a fever hovering around 106. Yes, I said 106. I was in and out of consciousness and have never experienced chills quite like it. I was prescribed pain medicine for the shooting needles sensation coming from my boobs and the feeling of elephants trampling on my abdomen, along with antibiotics to cure the infection. Almost as quickly as the infection set in, it went away...thank God. I can't believe I survived and am still nursing. It makes me even more annoyed at the "but my nipples were sore" or "I didn't produce enough milk" women who want to make an excuse for not nursing. I have NEVER felt pain like I felt with the mastitis. Had heard the term before, but never knew what it meant. So, if you know anyone who had it and nursed through it, "way to go" is all I have to say. All the kids (with the exception of Aspen) got sick. Trevor had the whole asthma, bronchitis, wheezy stuff along with Caleb. McKenna ended up forming a rash from head to foot. Between me being ill and Trevor being on steroids, it was quite the week. Fortunately, we are all better and ready to take on this week.

I am so excited that I am finding myself becoming more "normal." I am finding it extremely difficult to get out of the house. But, I will get there. It is just hard to pump, nurse, diaper, dress, feed other kids, wipe butts, get dressed, clean up, pump, nurse, diaper again, get get the picture. It is not anything special. Plenty of moms do it, I am just struggling getting up and out. But, I am also enjoying these early days at home. We will see what the next few weeks brings. I am sure I might be itching to get out. However, not itching to load and unload all the kids in the cold weather. It might be a long fall and winter in the house. The prospect of packing diaper bags again, pumping in the car again, loading and unloading cranky kids is enough to make me want to hibernate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the music is perfect (almost as good as your pictures! Love you guys

About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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