Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baby Aspen is here

OK.  Sorry for the delay in posting.  I have been a little busy changing diapers, nursing, holding a crying baby, nursing, burping, pumping, changing, bathing, nursing, get the picture.  This doesn't include all the daily tasks of dealing with 3 other kids as well.  Aspen Kennedy DeLisle was born on October 18th.  She was 3 1/2 weeks early due to the hernias in my pelvis and the very large varicose veins that were under extreme pressure as the pregnancy progressed.  She was a tiny 6 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 inches long.  So funny because Trevor was the same length, but weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds 9 ounces.  He was a little bowling ball.  If she would have been term, she would have been close to Trevor's size.  At two weeks old, she is starting to pork up quite a bit, so I am assuming she will be giving Trevor a run for his money when it comes to weight, height and head percentiles on the baby measuring charts.  All that mommy milk does a baby good.  I have to say, Aspen is a great baby.  She has become a little spoiled in that she wants to be held and will not sleep in her crib.  But, it is so much easier to leave a boob out for her to feed through the middle of the night.  There have been a few nights where she was not easily consolable.  For the most part, though, she just eats through the night and the only time I have to really get up and deal with her is to burp her or change a diaper. 
    Aaron went back to work today as well.  I was so sad to see him go.  He has been a HUGE help to me.  I never imagined having so much help with the baby, the house and dealing with the kids.  I did not have to worrying about anything.  I cannot count the number of times I was told to go upstairs and rest.  It is going to be a real bummer when I am feeling better and the princess treatment comes to a screeching halt.  I could really get used to the help.  Yes...that is a hint,

We are adjusting well.  It is loud and crazy most days.  And, it seems as though every time I do get a chance to sit down and nurse (as opposed to the usual standing and picking up, packing lunches, wiping the counters or sweeping while nursing), inevitably the phone will ring, a child will get hurt and need a band aid, the dog will need let out, etc. I will not lie, it is chaos at times, but a good chaos.  I would not change it for the world.  I have the greatest support in my wonderful husband, I have the greatest kids in the world, I have an amazing mother, and awesome in-laws.  I could not be happier and more in love with life. 

  You will have to excuse the lack of editing on my part.  It will probably be a while before you see pictures that are decent as I have NO time to myself to edit pictures, scrapbook, etc.  I would not change it for the world, though...


Anonymous said...

My heart is full!

Mrs. Trent said...

Another beautiful DeLisle child! Can't wait to hear the updates from Trevor.

Heather D said...

Thanks so much. She is a great baby. Trevor (along with his brother and sister) is a WONDERFUL big brother. He loves her to pieces and loves to help get diapers, breast pump parts, wipes, etc. I never thought he would be so excited about Aspen. You can see the love in his eyes when he looks at her. We could not be more blessed. Thanks.

About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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