Sunday, September 21, 2008

In the name of the father, the son and the holy goat

The kids' Mimi came over today. We ate indian food (yeah, curry), took a bike ride (with Uncle Mike too), took baths and watched Tom and Jerry. Which, by the way, not too sure why our parents let us watch it. It is a violent cartoon. I am feeling so much like a prude, but I really hate the boys watching violent shows. No Spongebob or anything like that. My philosophy is as long as I can keep it from them, the better off they are. Anyway, every parent I know (parents my parent's age or older) has the philosophy of, "well, we let you do it and you turned out ok?" Not sure how true that is either. Regardless, I let them watch it simply because it held their interest and I haven't seen Aaron in so long that I need as many peaceful moments as I can get. (By the way, he worked over 30 hours yesterday, slept for 4 and went back in for at least 20 more. He's worked well over 100 hours this week alone).
So anyway, as Mimi and the kids were saying prayers, Trevor blurts out, "In the name of the father, the son and the holy goat." This was so cute and so funny. I can only imagine what is going on in his little head. I mean, I know he gets the concept of God, Jesus and other people of the bible. But, I think he thought, well there must be a special goat in there somewhere too. Too funny.

Overall it was a nice day. I actually got to read the Sunday paper on Sunday. That happens once in a blue moon. I talked to Aaron a couple of times and the kids were great. McKenna is starting to sign a lot more. She does milk, shoes, cheese, down, up and more. She has also learned to point when she is mad. She was taking a bath and kept drinking the bath water. I would tell her, "no" and point my finger at her. Mimi came in and did the same thing. She pointed and gave her a stern look. McKenna looked very serious for about 1 minute and pointed back at us. We laughed.
The kids change everyday and I am so thankful to be home with them. I am not perfect, and I yell (especially at Captain Negative=Caleb). The terrible twos are the worst. But, I love my kids dearly and I love being with them. I hope I can do this until they don't need me at home anymore. Thank you Aaron for making this life possible. Have a great day and I hope to see someone other than my kids tomorrow.

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About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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