Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mommy... when you get younger, will you marry me?

Well, we finally have internet service. I was just getting over the withdrawals when, lo and behold, the my browser came up. I have been without internet since the horrible wind storm on Sunday. We were so lucky that we only were without electricity for 12+ hours. We are even more lucky that Aaron works for Duke. All and all, the electrical outage was good for our family. In fact, Trevor asked me if we could do that once a week. I about died. I think he loved the fact that we were all together without any distractions. Believe me, once he figured that he would be without the Wii or any other video, he would be rethinking this. We had fun, though. It was actually a nice bonding experience for everyone. We danced, exercised, read, colored, cut, ate spaghettios from a can and slept.

Anyway, about halfway through our personal blackout, Trevor starts asking about married couples. Not sure where this came from. We were telling the story of Ruth and Naomi (the Bible). I think he was a little confused about why Ruth married someone when she was already married to her husband who died. Anyway, he turns to me in the middle of the story and says, "Hey mommy...when you get younger, will you marry me?" I tried to explain to him that mommies don't marry their babies, but he just didn't get it. It was so cute.
Also, we haven't seen Aaron for more than 5 minutes since the storm hit Sunday. I have added a picture of us (sorry Aaron). You can see how tired he must be. And to think that there are people who are threatening Duke if their jobs aren't dangerous enough. We now have to threaten them physically. C'mon. I just want to scream at them. Believe me, they are working as fast as they can. The workers don't relish the thought of being away from their families for days on end. He is working 16 hour shifts. This means 20+ hour shifts in Duke terms. We will be so glad to have him home again. The kids are really missing him.

If you have gotten this far reading the blog, you are a real trooper. I just wanted to add some pictures of the kids from the last few days. I also wanted to add how lucky we all really are. I cannot imagine what it is like for those who have not had electricity for several days in a row. We are truly blessed. We lost our fence and gazebo. We became a little richer for the undivided time we spent together in the dark. Please keep praying for those who are way, way worse off than we are. Till next time...

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About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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