Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Getting the card flipped

OK. So the inevitable happened this morning. I should have known. The kids aren't feeling great, Trevor did NOT want to go to preschool and he was determined to make it a rough morning. Well, rougher than it was to begin with, considering the most anyone slept was about 4 hours. He seemed to be feeling better this morning. He just had a restless night. Anyway, he got his card flipped at school. This is something he has been working so hard to avoid. Before the start of school, I seriously thought Trevor was going to be the first to get kicked out of preschool. Once he started, and was having so much success, I forgot how bad he can really be. Apparently he was belligerent and non-compliant the whole morning, resulting in a yellow mark and a flipped card. However, I just want to state, for the record, that I am proud that he survived four months without having done so. For this little guy, that is quite the accomplishment. So, he lost a few privileges and is totally in agreeance. He understands and is taking it like a little man. And, I think he learned his lesson. Once again, see how far he has come? A few short months ago, he would have balked and whined about it. Now, he is like a new kid. I just hope the old Trevor is not rearing it's ugly head. Well, as ugly as Trevor's adorable head could be, right? In the end, I think we all learned something...Trevor learned that his teacher is the boss, and I learned to trust my instincts. When I think it is going to be a bad, bad, is. Lesson learned.

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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