Thursday, December 4, 2008

The three wiseguys

Playing nicely together

Trevor's really tall tinker toy

And an even taller one (with McKenna's bad hair included)

This really is a good look for her. I keep finding her like this.

Trevor: Why do we have stars on the top of Christmas trees?

Mommy: Because, when baby Jesus was born, the three
wisemen could not find the right road to take, so they followed the brightest star in the sky to find Bethlehem, where baby Jesus was born.

Trevor: Was he born in a hospital?

Mommy: No, he was born in what was like an empty barn.

Trevor: Why didn't those wiseguys just use their GPS to
find him?

The kids played nicely for the most part today. Aaron did not get home until 3:00am, so we tried to keep quiet all morning and early afternoon. They had finally had enough of me around 2:30 and woke him up. They were pretty crazy through the afternoon. Glad to be around Daddy. I will be glad to get some sleep. It was a restless night with everyone waking at one time or another.
I made the first batch of winter chili. There is an upside to winter. Gotta love chili on a cold day. Yummo!

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About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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