Sunday, December 7, 2008

100 things

Here is a list of 100 things you may or may not know about me. I kind of stole this idea from a friend. I learned a lot about her. Maybe you all will learn something about me.

1. I used to like cats, but have since changed my mind.

2. Love to eat dark chocolate any time of day

3. Can't have a drop of caffeine after 4:30 (I won't sleep until 3:00 am)

4. Love to read novels, but haven't in 4 years (It actually took me 6 months to read the Chelsea Handler book which was an extremely easy read)

5. I laugh every single time McKenna dances (I mean every time is a laugh out loud laugh)

6. I would have 10 children if Aaron would let me

7. I enjoy the chaos that is my life with 3 kids all 15 months apart

8. I love babies, but could easily puke at the smell of baby powder
9. I think breastfeeding is best for your baby

10. I also think you are a wuss if you don't at least try it before giving up

11. I nursed my middle child until he was 2 1/2

12. Sometimes I cry tears of happiness and good feelings when I smell my children's clean hair (love the smell of baby shampoo)
13. I am superstitious

14. I love soft cheeses

15. I ate most of them when I was pregnant (oops)

16. My kids will eat almost any fruit or vegetable (as long as the veggies aren't raw)

17. I once thought Caleb was going to be a midget (seriously)

18. I have texture issues (can't stand the feel of cotton balls)

19. Have to have my food separate on the plate

20. Corn mixed with anything makes me nauseous (especially mashed potatoes)and veggie soup is out, of course

21. I would rather shop at Goodwill than Macy's (unless we are shopping for underwear or toothbrushes)

22. Some of my very best friends live farther away than i would like

23. I like being snowed in (as long as I have the things I need)
24. I absolutely love to work out

25. But, sometimes, I put my kids in the gym daycare so I can sit in the locker room and read a good book in peace

26. I hate emptying the dishwasher

27. I would rather hand wash my dishes

28. I think yoga is for the birds (too slow for me)

29. I get my feelings hurt easily

30. I sometimes miss working

31. I love to cook, but can't make a dessert for the life of me

32. I can't stand Rachel Ray

33. I cook from scratch (use the occasional recipe for inspiration)

34. I am an Internet junkie

35. I can't stand my hair short and wish I would have never cut it all off (was fun for a while, but miss putting it up)

36. I sometimes let my kids eat ice cream for dinner

37. I cry when I think of my kids all grown up

38. I wish I would have done things differently as a teenager

39. I pray my kids aren't like I was when they are teenagers

40. I love to teach my kids

41. I would love to move out west

42. I would rather watch the sun set than rise

43. I would rather donate my stuff than sell it

44. I am a firm believer in natural remedies ( oil and Caleb's language development)

45. I would home school if I had a science lab

46. Sometimes my closets and fridge look like a science lab

47. Even though #46 is sometimes the case, I am a germaphobe

48. My kids and I wash our hands at least 10 times a day

49. I have ADHD

50. I finished my masters with a 4.0g.p.a.

51. I finished high school with a 2.0g.p.a.

52. I secretly miss taking college classes

53. I cannot sew

54. I wish I could sew

55. I make all my kids baby food

56. I put some frozen baby food in my casseroles for extra nutrients

57. I love brussel sprouts

58. I like to "Man the grill"

59. I think two year olds are overrated

60. The last movie I saw in a theatre was Spiderman 2 (I think that was in 2004)

61. I have a hard time sitting through movies at home too (unless, of course, I am doing 10 other things at the same time)

62. I don't feel complete unless I am multitasking (ie. nursing while grocery shopping and talking on the phone at the same time, or cooking, folding laundry and writing a letter to a friend at the same time)

63. I like to cook in bulk, but would rather cook on the days I make the already prepared food. Go figure

64. I feel very lucky to have family close by

65. I go to the library at least once a week

66. I love the smell of fresh cucumbers

67. I could eat indian or curry any day of the week

68. I really wish I would have traveled more before having kids

69. I miss my husband most days

70. I feel blessed that I am not up all night with sick kids and then have to go to work. Not sure I could it all.

71. I think gays should be allowed to get married

72. I like to stay in my pjs as long as I can

73. I used to ride a Harley (sold it when we got the boat)

74. I miss the Harley (not too practical with 3 young kids, huh?)

75. Hearing my kids giggle melts my heart every single time

76. It doesn't bother me that much when my kids get shots

77. I think kids should be vaccinated and don't think autism is caused my the MMR shot

78. I miss working with kids with autism

79. I was pregnant/nursing for almost 5 years straight

80. I love to create art out of nature (leaves, branches,pine cones, nuts, berries)

81. I don't care if my kids get dirty while playing (it makes for more laundry, but who cares?)

82. The price of cheese has driven me to become a "Cheese Nazi"

83. I cringe at the thought of an afternoon when nobody naps

84. I function on about 4-5 hours of sleep

85. I am tired most of the time

86. I wish I would have reconsidered moving into a neighborhood before moving into one

87. I feel bad if I have to spank my children (I am more of a time-out kind of chick)

88. I do not like others to spank my children

89. I wish I had more time to visit family and friends

90. I am a Discovery Health and Food Network-a-holic

91. I watch Jon and Kate plus Eight and cannot stand Kate

92. I am a stay-at-home-mom who doesn't watch soap operas (but I tape The View)How sad is that?

93. I clean my kitchen at least four times a day

94. I am not a flower person. I would rather have chocolate, a movie, something more practical since flowers die

95. I love the smell of flowers, though

96. I like to play in the blanket tents that my kids and I build just as much as they do

97. I read cook books for pleasure

98. I wear gym shoes or flip flops most of the time

99. Not a day goes by when I don't think about how lucky I am to
have my family

100.It took me three days to complete this list. (I had a few
minor distractions)


Anonymous said...

I learned a few things about you...wonderful list!

Sonja said...

:) VERY interesting!

Kroell Family said...

I love this! I'm going to use it. We need to get together. I'm off school for the next 3 or so weeks. I'd love to get the kids together and drink some wine (us that is)! :) Email me what would be a good time for you, I don't have your number.

About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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