Sunday, January 25, 2009

ICF (Intimidation Cage Fighting)

I went to an IFC fight last night. The picture was taken from my phone. We knew two of the fighters and had a lot of fun cheering for them. Lucky for us (and them) they both won!! I found myself in awe, making observations of the world around me. Can you tell I don't get out much? I discovered a few things about myself too. Here are 10 things I learned while people watching:

1. One sure way to get a shower and clean sheets is to go to Kentucky (where they are allowed to smoke indoors) YUCK!! If I could have stripped my van and house of the smoky smell that lingered with us, I would have. It was NASTY!

2. Having a bladder disease can have its benefits. I made several new BFFs while using the ladies room...all 100 times. New BFF every time.

3. I also met a few he-she's while in there too.

4. Draft beer and Interstitial Cystitis do not go hand in hand.

5. Take your new camera to the last place you thought you would want to take pictures. I can't count the cool shots I could have taken. Of course my camera would have a smoke film and the bag would stink, so maybe it is better that I didn't bring it.

6. Don't come home drunk at 2:00am and expect your kids to sleep in until 8:00.

7. Be pleasantly surprised when they play nicely so you can shake the hangover.

8. Every woman has to pee all the time. I must have heard it 42 times by 42 different women in the span of 4 hours.

9. Be thankful for what you have. I sat next to a woman who lost her husband 6 months ago in a freak chainsaw accident. She is now a single mom of four small children. County your blessings.

10. I am too freakin' old to go out drinking. It is 2:15 the next day and I am still dizzy. Thanks to the designated driver. Jason has a special place in our

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About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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