Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Full of myself?

OK. I read an article which says that all bloggers are narcissistic. So this whole blogging thing has be wondering, am I really narcissistic? Am I full of myself? Do I think that people really care about my kids? Do I think my kids are that beautiful and charismatic that I should take hundreds of thousands of pictures to post for everyone to see? Do people really care that much? To be honest with you, I do think my kids are that cute, I do think I have a semi-interesting story to tell. But, I am not sure why I do this. Why do I feel the need to share this with others. I guess this is one journey I will have the pleasure of living for a while. And lucky...or unlucky for will get to experience it with me. So, maybe I am full of my kids? I don't think anyone really cares about my story, so to speak. But, maybe they are interested in the world of raising three strong-willed, so close together in age kids. Or maybe not. Maybe nobody is interested...Don't know and don't care. Does this make me full of myself?

As for the pictures posted today. My favorites are the ones of Caleb. As always, he has snot on his face, shoes on the wrong feet and has great expressions on his face. Trevors are so natural and beautiful and McKenna's eyes get me every time.


Sonja said...

i care about what you say, because i love you and your family.
don't think as it of writing for other people, write and post pictures for your children.
this is a great way to keep a journal/ scrapbook for them.
there are companies that make a book out of your blog. or you can download it and just print it out. i think this is a great way for your kids to look back and see all the fun stuff you guys did.

Anonymous said...

Hey you narcissistic fool, keep up the good work. We love seeing our grandkids on the big screen, especially when we're away. And by the way, we KNOW they are the most beautiful and charismatic kids in the world.
Pépère & Oma

About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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