Sunday, March 1, 2009

Her Golden Shoes

According to Caleb, McKenna is wearing her brand new golden shoes. He was awestruck by the glitter the whole afternoon. So was McKenna, as she spent most of the day dancing around. Notice the color...they aren't golden, they are pink.

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And Trevor insists that I scribble down when watching You Tube clips on the computer. I think I told him three or four times that it was scroll down, but you all know how persistent Trevor is. So I am sure you know how the story ends.

And you know it is a good day when you get that great feeling when thinking about a special someone that left the earth way before you wanted them to. Today was a Grammy Day for me. My mom came out to take the boys to the Aquarium (I was in dire need for a break, and still am, believe it or not). She brought donuts. Every time I taste or smell maple, it reminds me of my Grammy. One of the donuts had a maple glaze. So, of course, I thought about her this morning. Later in the afternoon, I decided to clean out a section of my computer area. Lo and behold, in the back corner, I found numerous napkins that grammy cut and sewed years before. I found myself in happy tears as I walked into the kitchen to find this...

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And you can imagine the fun I had playing peek-a-boo with them. McKenna and Trevor did too. What a heartwarming afternoon. I miss my Grammy and I wish she would have been here to meet my kids. I think she would have liked them...just a little...

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Anonymous said...

Oh my I am crying! You know, she would have liked them--just a little!

Heather D said...

Hope it is a happy cry. You know what I mean by a Grammy day. No, I didn't meet some old lady that reminded me of her, but she made herself very present today. It was very comforting. Very peaceful. Very loving.

About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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