Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

This is Caleb's first hot chocolate of the year. He really enjoyed himself. Trevor, not so much. He pretended for a few minutes and then silently put the cup in the sink. Caleb also had a picky breakfast morning. I decided, unlike usual, I would be a short order cook. Usually I make one thing and that is it. But, since Caleb wasn't feeling well, I would divuldge him and make him what he wanted. This included cereal, a caramel apple, fruit and ramen noodles. Yum...Not.

I would have to say that even though this picture is blurry, she is, by far, the cutest Obama endorsement I have ever seen.

And, this is Trevor playing a new game. He absolutely loved it. So did I until the "butterflies" ended up in my garbage disposal. Good times...

McKenna and Caleb are still under the weather and I am hoping for at least one night when I can sleep in 2-3 hour or longer increments. That would be nice. It seems like my kids always have one thing or another. I know I am luckier than most. At least we only have colds, ear aches and such. Nothing serious and I pray for those who have things much, much worse. Nonetheless, they are sick and cranky. It is what it is, though. I'm sure they will sleep and I will have to pee all night anyway.

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About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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