Thursday, November 6, 2008

Caleb getting his hair cut...

Trevor getting his hair cut. I think the mohawk would have suited him. He looks like he should wear one. Even though we reside in a county that mutually accepts them, we shaved it off...

This was going to be McKenna's 1st haircut...until she did that...

A kiss and a hug for my baby sister. Trevor is such a great big brother to McKenna and Caleb. And to think, we were afraid for her life in the beginning. What a awesome kid he has become.

I can't believe how big Trevor is getting. He looks like such a big boy.

And, little miss mini me picked a shirt out of my drawer to wear for the morning.

I love these pictures of Trevor. I think they are my favorite to date.

I'm thinking Aaron forgot that Caleb had the stomach bug...

Caleb playing in the leaves.

Here's a picture of the boys with great Memere and Pepere. Aaron took the morning to visit them., we had conferences for Trevor. Much to my disbelief, Trevor is a complete angel at school. His teacher had so many nice and funny things to say about him. We laughed and cried. She told us that he is way advanced in early literacy skills. He can read every students name with 100% accuracy. She said he is the only one able to do this. Considering he is the youngest in the class (he just turned 4 and many are already 5 years old), I think this is pretty great. We have discovered that he is very auditory as well. He loves books on tape and listening to stories. His reading comprehension is extraordinary. Now, I knew he was pretty above average, but it was nice to hear how well he was doing socially. She said he is a great friend to those in his class. She said he even has a "smart buddy". Basically, there is another boy who is pretty bright. She says they pal around during learning activities. You know, they sit around and discuss current events, political views, etc. You laugh, but if you knew Trevor, you would quickly discover that this is not far-fetched. He was gripped to his seat during this election and is up-to-date with most goings on in the world around him. His teacher told me that they are so funny, because when they are finished with learning what ever it is they are learning, "Joseph" will go do something artsy and Trevor will go build or destroy something. It just cracks me up. I guess Trevor is some sort of preschool nerd. Also, she said she would, in no way, recommend he not go to kindergarten next year. His birthday is just a few days shy of the cutoff. She said for boys, she would typically encourage parents to hold them back. In Trevor's case, though, she said no way. I was a little worried. trevor is one of those kids who you either love or don't love (as a teacher). It was very obvious that they (teacher and assistant) love him very much. I am just so excited that he is doing so well. I'm going to try to go up and volunteer. I can't wait to see for myself, how he interacts with his teacher and classmates.

On the homefront, Caleb and McKenna seem to be feeling better. Caleb is still puking and he isn't quite over the diharhea. He is eating better, though. He did not eat anything yesterday. what he did eat, he threw up. So much better today. We are going to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. Trevor wants to play baseball and Caleb is begging to play with the water table. McKenna, as usual, will just do whatever we want her to do...and quietly at that. Hope everyone is well.

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About Me

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I am a stay at home mommy to three wonderful children. I love to be with them and watch them learn and grow. I am also a loving wife to the fantastically patient Aaron.


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